Thursday, November 10, 2011

Snickers Anyone?

This year I bought more Halloween candy than I ever have.  Why?  Because I had huge hopes that hoards of little children in dragon costumes and princesses with wands would be stopping by to say, "Trick or Treat!"  You want to know what I got?  A wayward little lemon and a skittish ninja.  That's it.  So now I have a barrel of chocolate that is haunting me.  I have hidden if from myself three times this morning already.  The problem is that I was blessed with a tremendous sense of smell... no matter where I put that darn bowl, I can smell it!!!  And I am so telling you that my mid-section does not need twelve pounds of "fun size" anything!


  1. Found your blog through NaBloPoMo, and I love it!

  2. I have the same issue! I have gained 6 pounds since Halloween!

  3. send some of that my way. my middle doesn't care. :-)

  4. We'll take the twix and the peanut m&m's over here! My kids actually took their bags of candy out of the kitchen because they were getting mysteriously smaller!

  5. freeze it, and send your kids to get stuff out of the freezer for you! Or double bag it so the smell can't get out! Found you through NABLOPOMO btw, good stuff!

  6. Jill - not a bad idea! Thanks for your thoughts!
