Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Write about your favorite experience with ketchup...

Oh - this is rich.  Surprisingly, many things to write on this subject:
  • My sister having some sort of altercation with the ketchup pump at McDonald's circa 1984 - wearing her brand new "Stadium" coat from Siefert's right before getting dropped off at CCD.  The coat took on the battle bravely, but lost miserably.  My sister at the oh-so-happy age of 16 was not oh so happy.
  • A strange run in with a man named Charlie who planted trees for my uncle - ate and loved ketchup only sandwiches.
  • My children's affinity for ketchup on... oh, yes - ANYTHING!
  • When I spilled ketchup on my favorite Raggedy Ann and Andy t-shirt on the first day of our drive to Florida in 1975.  Turns out, my mom forgot to pack me another shirt - just dresses and rompers.  So guess who is wearing a ketchup stain on the Dumbo ride? And while hugging Mickey?  With Cinderella? Yes that would be me - an oversized 4 year old pretending to Mary Poppins for a week - and all of this was captured in photos - thank goodness.
Silver Lining: The invention of Shout, Spray and Wash, Tide to Go, and Oxy Clean - all in travel sizes!

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